Send me One Million FREE Guaranteed Visitors Visualize and get what you want: January 2010

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The first step to fullfilling our dream "How to know, what we exactly want"

The very basic things to know about “full filling our dream is” First we should know what we want exactly:
How much of you know exactly “what you want” for example most of people say I need money:
Digging down the question give some result like: why you want this money? Can you eat this money or you want touch feel (i.e. almost a simple paper touch) obviously not at all.
We all need money for some purpose like I have to own Home, I want to purchase clothes, I want to marry my daughter,I want to gift my mom etc,etc.
Again take any one question from above and go one step further down:
Why we want to have a home: Answer may be like these: I want a home to live in; I want a home to rent it. I want a home to show myself prosperous, I want to have a home for good investment etc, etc.
Take again any one answer of this and go further like: Why we want to rent it: answer may be like : We need some easy money , We want some regular income without any effort, I want to keep someone nearer to us.
Again take any answer which you suits and go further, like why we need some regular income: And answer may be like these: I want to be free from my regular basic need.
We can take any answer again and can further unless until we get our ultimate answer:
It doesn’t care how much question you take and how much answer you digged down , as per my research and survey done by me there are some absolute points which every one(most of us common men) need the same this in the last to have a successful life as per their definition. Anyone can realize a fully satisfied and successful life at any stage of life with any condition of financial achievement if he has the following things achieved in his life.
These things are
1- Sukh( Comfort of life)
2- Shanti (Peace of mind)
3- Swasthya (Perfect health for physically independency)
4- Samriddhi (Day by day growth in all aspects of life in comparison of last time)
5- Success(Success each time whenever we act something aim fully)

So, when we ask something from god or when we try to achieve anything in result we want to get either all of above or some of above or any of above. Then why we not pray directly above five things??The answer is because we want it in our way otherwise it is true that god has already given us something to be satisfied as a Saint do, A saint like Sai Baba or Kabir Das Ji all are well satisfied with their life because they have achieved and realized all those five elements in the same situation (without any more wish).
But here I am not asking you to be sanyasi or sant here I am giving the way by which we can realize all those five elements as per our style or way. If you want realize “Love- Rati sukh” then as per your way you would like to have a good and beautiful wife. So hear you will learn how to attract this situation in which result I get a marriage offer from a girl which is exactly same as we wish.
So the First and most important thing is just know what we really want in order to achieve the same.
I will start with the very first and important thing..
Know, what you really want: First of all anyone should be very clear in his mind that what he really want. May be you feel this thing very stupid but I am giving you an example. One of my friend was going to give exam and unfortunately he missed his bus by which he had to reach examination center so he borrowed a cycle and started towards in the direction of bus and every moment he was praying to the god “Hay god may I could catch this bus” .God listened to him and after run of Half Km he got the Bus. He reached happily to the exam centre but what happened then .He was forgotten his Exam card at his home .So he missed his exam?
At the time of god prayer he was sure he is asking the right thing to the God but he was wrong. He should ask “Hay God I could face this exam timely and nicely for a better result”
So in every “asking” we should go further deeper to think why I am asking this. Why I am asking to catch the Bus? Is our aim is catch the bus or attend the exam? Then why not asking “I could attend exame”.Again why I am asking for attending exam? Is to attend the exam is my final aim? No, to pass this exam nicely is our ultimate goal in this scenario so we should pray like: “Hay God I could face this exam timely and nicely for a better result”
Always care; you should never ask any thing which make you regret in the last.

In my next post I will discuss only this point :How to know what we really want” .So please ask if any of you have any related query.


Monday, January 25, 2010

temprory post


Hi this is temp post.Please ignore this.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Can we full fill our dreams with in the time frame which we decide:

Hi Friends

Do you ever think why some people are so success and happy and others are not so well?Some time even from the same back ground and with almost same circumstances few people are getting what they wanted and some of them are struggling whole life even for a fraction of their dream?
Why why why?
Is there any way, which can lead us towards our dream/s ?
Yes my friends, there is path by which we can full fill our dreams.Some time it looks psychology, some time spirituality, some time the worship, some time prayer, some time science, and some time any thing else but this is and it works too.Only We have to follow the right way.
Would you like to follow me to learn some technique? I know! yes! so come on to check my next post.
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